Abstract Submission:
We invite experts from industries, research institutions connected with field of Safety, Health and Environment, enforcement agencies, professional bodies; trade unions, government officials and other stakeholders for presenting their papers on the following indicative thematic areas. There will be two plenary and 12 concurrent sessions on the thematic areas. In each session four presentations by the speakers related to the thematic areas will be covered.
• Regulation Readiness in a Changing World of Work
• Safety Risks and Challenges in Business Process Outsourcing
• Vision Zero – Strategy and Practices
• Measuring Safety and Health Performance
• Leadership and Safety Culture
• Wellbeing and Mental Health
• Emerging Trends in Safety, Health & Environment in EV Vehicles, Renewal Energy, Agriculture Sector, etc.
• Safety Strategies for an Informal Workforce (service delivery like Zomato, Amazon, Transport workers)
• Engaging Technology in Managing Critical Risks and Controls
• OSH for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
• New OSH Tools and Techniques for Managing Risks
• Health and Safety in a Digital Future (Work from Home, Remote Work, etc.)
• Construction Safety – Challenges & Opportunities
• Operational Safety in High-Risk Industries – Challenges and Solutions (Oil Refinery, Fertilizer, Steel Industry)
• Logistics, Transportation and Road Safety
• Significance of OHS in ESG Framework
• Disaster Management
• Sustainability, Carbon Neutrality
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- All abstracts should be in English and submitted online at https://aposho39.org/ before 15th April 2025.
- It may be noted that the schedule is restricted. Therefore, the selection will be on first come first serve and on merit basis. The decision of the scientific committee will be final in deciding the abstract.
- Multiple abstracts from the same author are welcome.
- For oral presentation, the submitting author must be the speaker at the session, Co-authors are not permitted to present the paper in the Conference.
- The abstract should be written in clear, concise English and include an interesting summary of the research.
- Submit abstract in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format only.
- Font type: Arial
- Font size:
- Title: 14 font centre aligned
- List of authors: 12 fonts
- Affiliations: 10 fonts
- Presenting author's email: 10 fonts
- Main body of text: 12 fonts
- Key Words: 12 fonts
- Paper size- A4, margins - Left margin 3.0 cm & all other (top, bottom and right) margins 2.5 cm and single space.
- The abstract's total word count shouldn't be more than 300.
- Abstract body: The abstract must include, in the order, viz. an introduction, Aim and objectives, methods, result, summary, conclusion, and keywords.
- Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at initial usage, excluding those for units of measurement and those that are well-known or extensively used.
- Uniqueness, plagiarism, moral approval, and copyright: The originality of the research, the abstract, and the posters must all be guaranteed by the authors. Additionally, it is the authors' duty to see that all photos, data, and research presented at this conference have received the proper ethical and regulatory permission, if applicable.
Please address correspondence
aposho39@nsc.org.in in with the subject "Abstract Submission Clarifications."
Important: The last date for abstract submission is 15th April 2025, After that date, any requests for abstract submission will not be considered.
Acceptance of Abstract for Oral Presentation will be communicated by 15th June 2025.
Final Paper Submission by 15th August 2025.
Contact Details:-
Mr. Mahesh S Battu
Technical Officer
National Safety Council
Plot No. 98A, Sector 15, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai - 400 614,
Maharashtra, India
Tel - +91 - 22 - 44002859
Email –